The genetic system has moved to a number system, allowing for much more flexibility, and you never have to 'start at 0' with things. You can keep multiple 'bases' to speed up breeding, but usually you can get what you need in two or three generations...IF you like math puzzles. T
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Plant some seeds and glowing flowers grow, illuminating everything around them. (Munch on a glowing flower and your character will glow for a few minutes, too.) Even in the darkest places, lightning bugs circle in packs, hidden ore deposits glitter in the gloom, even the slime trails of disgusti
A great deal of the terrain has tunnels you may go ships through so that you can bypass defenses and hit a target, but I wasn’t wild about these. Firstly, they seem like the sole way to achieve the missions the place they’re accessible, so applying them doesn’t feel just like a